- 2012
Provide Well logging services and water well services
- 2014
Water exploration, geophysics, Hydrogeological studies, Desalination
- 2016
New technology, BMR, Hydrological and hydrogeological modeling
- 2018
Monitoring of surface and groundwater plus branches over the kingdom
- 2019
Open branches in Dubai, Oman plus Contamination of Groundwater Studies
- 2020
Water data management, adding new technology Drones, wastewater and adding new wireline technology
- 2021
Provide Renewable Energy represented by Geothermal Services
- 2022
Acquired Green Building Certifications
Who we are
Technical Development Solutions (TDS)
is a Saudi consulting company based in Riyadh. It is one of Al Mousa Group’s companies. Al-Mousa group is a large group that has been in the Saudi market for over 50 years. TDS provides a wide range of consultancy services in a variety of industries such as water, environment, mining, engineering, and renewable energy.